Steve Hall is Dr. Aardsma’s son-in-law, husband of Dr. Aardsma’s oldest daughter, Jennifer. Steve was 42 years old at the time of this testimony. He was then working as Assistant Pastor at Valley Baptist Church in Stuarts Draft, Virginia. Both Steve and Jennifer are accomplished musicians. Steve is now employed as the Marketing and Communications director for Dr. Aardsma’s Vitamins.
by Jennifer Hall; February 15, 2018
(Vitamin MePA Only)
Steve began taking Dr. Aardsma’s Vitamin MePA Dietary Supplement as a 41-year-old healthy individual on October 19, 2017.
Within a few weeks he noticed that he was sleeping more soundly and had more energy each day. It had been quite common in the past for him to say how tired he was in the afternoons and evenings. After starting to take the vitamin, he had more energy to stay up and have conversations late into the evening and rarely complained about being tired.
Steve seems to be experiencing greater stamina and doesn’t feel as worn out from the long ministry days. His Sundays typically begin at 6:00 AM with a very busy day until 9:00 PM. After ending the day of church ministry around 9:00 PM, Steve still has had enough energy to enjoy watching an evening football game with the family, while helping to get supper for the family which includes several young children. In the past, especially following the 5:00 PM choir rehearsal, he would often remark about how tired he was getting.
In November, Steve fell on the stairs while carrying our 11-month-old son. Steve whacked his knee pretty badly. Steve felt ill and a little faint from the pain immediately after the fall. From past experience, he expected it to swell up and hurt pretty badly for the next few days. It did not swell up at all, although it caused him some pain that evening. The next day it felt fine. He was quite surprised.
Prior to starting the vitamin, he had been having moderately severe intermittent lower back pain for several months. It had become constant pain for about four weeks immediately prior to beginning vitamin MePA. This pain diminished very gradually after he began the vitamin. Within several weeks it had subsided significantly. At the present time, it only bothers him rarely and when it does, the pain is much more mild.
He had been experiencing some fairly major acid reflux symptoms prior to starting the vitamin, which diminished into just some mild heartburn at times.
Steve has had frequent headaches for over 10 years. He would take Advil about once or twice a week to help with the headache pain that seemed to come from working at his desk for long hours. Since starting vitamin MePA, he has not had to buy any more Advil. He has rarely had any headaches for the past few months.
Steve usually complains of knee pain every winter, especially noticeable when going up and down stairs. He has not mentioned anything about knee pain this winter.
Starting at the beginning of 2018, Steve began to try to lose some weight. He had tried a handful of times over the past 10 years or so to lose weight, but had been unsuccessful at restricting his diet for more than a week or two. As of today, he has lost a total of 15 pounds over the past 6 weeks. He has been able to limit his food portions and seems to feel satisfied with less food. Although it has been tough to limit his food intake, he seems to have greater initiative and resolve than he had in the past.
Steve’s blood pressure had been elevated starting in the summer of 2017. His readings lately have been much better. Here is a graph [by Dr. Aardsma], showing blood pressure category from the record of blood pressure readings that he has taken.

He has not noticed any improvement in his eyesight. It seems presently to be worsening. He reported on January 20, 2018 that he seems to be needing to use his reading glasses more and more.
Steve ran out of the vitamin the week of January 22. While waiting for his next bottle to arrive, he began to sleep more poorly than he had in several months. He also began to say “my back hurts” and repeatedly to say “I’m tired” for the first time in many months. Although he was experiencing higher stress due to preparing for a big church event during that week, it is interesting that this apparent dip in wellness coincided with not taking MePA for the first time in many months.
Steve typically would deal with dry and chapped skin on his hands during the winters. Prior to running out of the vitamin at the end of January, he had had little to no trouble at all with dry skin this winter. Since he ran out of the vitamin, and then began taking the vitamin again about a week and a half later, he developed dry skin on his hands that has not yet fully healed.
Five days ago, our nine-year-old son (who is not yet taking the vitamin) came down with a flu virus. Later the same day, Steve came down with it too. Symptoms included fever, very sore throat, swollen glands, headache, and muscle aches. Our nine-year-old son seems to be getting back to normal now on the fifth day after sleeping a lot and feeling poorly each day. Meanwhile, Steve was back on his feet within a day and a half.
November 7, 2018 Update
Steve’s dose was 1 to 2 drops (2 to 4 micrograms MePA) per day of Dr. Aardsma’s Vitamin MePA Dietary Supplement for the first six months. He has been taking 3 drops (6 micrograms MepA) per day since that time.
I continue to be amazed at the strength of Steve’s voice. Steve had voice trouble beginning over twenty years ago in college, and it has continued all through the years of our marriage, until last fall after he started the vitamin. The trouble would vary in degree, but was a continual frustration and annoyance to him. It seemed that stress and tension would manifest itself in his voice and sometimes he would lose his voice after barely ten minutes of preaching or singing.
This summer, Steve was in charge of a week-long family crusade. It was a two hour service each night, consisting of him leading all the activities, songs, high excitement (loud) competitions, etc., and then preaching a 30–40 minute message. His voice was clear and strong for the duration of each evening. To me, it was incredible.
We recently sang as guests in another church and then Steve preached the morning message. After singing with the family for over 45 minutes, Steve ended with a vocal solo and then preached. He had no trouble with his voice at all.
I have known him for 21 years. We’ve been married for 19 years. I’ve never seen him speak and sing with such ease before. I honestly cannot think of any other explanation for this than vitamin MePA having been supplemented in Steve’s diet for the past year.