Published by the Pantagraph, Bloomington, IL, January 17, 2021
by Kade Heather
1. What is your profession/daily responsibility?
I am a nuclear physicist with emphasis on physical dating methods such as radiocarbon. My profession has led me into many fascinating areas of research and discovery over the past several decades. My primary areas of focus have been biblical chronology and the cause of aging in the human body. My daily responsibilities all relate to our current company goal, which is to “reduce the mortality and morbidity of aging by getting the anti-aging vitamins to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.” This gets me into many things, including documenting and communicating my research findings, overseeing the operation of our research labs, working on lab equipment, communicating with other aging experts around the world, and overseeing renovations at the old Loda Grade School, which is now the campus of our company, Aardsma Research and Publishing.

2. What is Vitamin MePA and how can it be obtained today?
Vitamin MePA is the first of two previously unknown anti-aging vitamins that I have discovered. I pinpointed MePA in 2015. MePA stands for methylphosphonic acid, which is the name of the chemical compound. (For context, Vitamin C is ascorbic acid.) Vitamin MePA is not made out of any other ingredients or out of any of the traditional vitamins—it is its own unique compound.Since September of 2017, hundreds of individuals have supplemented vitamin MePA in their diets. Many and varied health benefits have been reported by some of these individuals. MePA appears to perform key functions in the body. I experienced a remarkable and unexpected healing myself from Vitamin MePA, which is recorded as a testimonial in my book “Aging: Cause and Cure” (currently being updated to a second edition), freeing me from a debilitating, serious autoimmune disease.
The anti-aging vitamins are now commercially available. They can easily be obtained by visiting

3. How did you discover it?
I discovered MePA through decades of research at the interface of science and the Bible trying to solve the mystery of why we age so rapidly today. The biblical book of Genesis, the first book in the Bible, records that people once lived for nearly a thousand years. It also records that lifespans began to decline precipitously following Noah’s flood. These are the only data we possess on earth showing that human lifespans are mutable and can be lengthened far beyond what we regard as normal today. As such, these biblical lifespan data are exceedingly precious from a scientific perspective. They provided the key which enabled me to unlock the mystery of aging and, after a very lengthy quest, to discover first vitamin MePA and later vitamin MePiA.
4. How and why did you seek a patent?
A patent gives a 20-year monopoly to an inventor for his invention. This provides hope of financial reward for the effort and time the inventor has spent making his new invention, and it provides the financial base needed for doing all the research, development and marketing necessary to get the new invention into the marketplace. People can benefit from a new invention only if they are aware of it and are able to obtain it. In my case, it was clear that I would need to move as quickly as possible, since this is an invention with large medical/ethical implications, and this would obviously be very expensive. I filed the preliminary patent application in July of 2017, after which I was able to start publicizing my discovery. I ended up working with a patent lawyer from Boston, who did an excellent job guiding us through the lengthy process. The patent was awarded by the U.S. patent office on December 15, 2020.
5. What do you hope this discovery will accomplish in the future?/What’s next for Vitamin MePA?
I hope to see a rapid end to the suffering and death caused by modern human aging. Aging is a dreadful disease, with a 100% mortality rate.This is now all so unnecessary. If vitamins MePA and MePiA were able to keep people youthful for hundreds of years long ago, then they can do the same for us today. One of my recent research articles predicts that if every person in America would begin supplementing with the anti-aging vitamins today, 250,000 lives would be saved within a year’s time. And that is just the beginning.
Wasn’t the reason for long life the lack of disease in the gene pool and the layer obove the earth protecting them from uv light ?
Hello Eugene, you have mentioned here two theories that have been advanced as the reason for pre-Flood longevity.
Dr. Aardsma addresses the vapor canopy theory on page 38 of his book Aging: Cause and Cure, which is available for free here:Â
(The second edition of this book will soon be available, which updates and expands Dr. Aardsma’s theory of aging, based on the most recent research results.)
Lack of disease in the gene pool is not something that we would expect to have changed as a result of Noah’s Flood. Life expectancies held steady at 925 years on average for thousands of years before the Flood, and then began to decline quite sharply after Noah’s Flood. (See page 48 at the link above.)
If longevity were genetically determined, one would expect to see the occasional genetic throwback to at least two or three times the modern life span of 75 years, especially when you consider that people were living over ten times as long before the Flood, but even with the current world population of nearly 8 billion people, not one such throwback has ever been seen.
A good comparison is the large change in the mean years a person lives today compared to two hundred years ago, but the max has not changed. Over 200 years ago someone was unlikely to live to the age of 80 or 100, but it wasn’t considered a miracle. People were just lucky not to succumb to any disease, or other disaster up to that point in life.